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Make android webview app support UPI payments

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 8 AM

How to configure Android WebView to support UPI Payment

The UNIFIED PAYMENTS INTERFACE or Simply UPI is an easy payment system widely used in India. The android WebView by default doesn't support UPI Payment.

Most websites, especially online shopping websites are looking to build android application. To cut the cost of Android app development, some of them are turning to WebView based apps. WebView based apps are easy to build, it simply shows the website in a WebView within a layout.

But, even if WebView based apps are easy to build, there are some functions that require additional code to successful implementation of the functions. For example, file upload in WebView doesn't support out of the box, we need add some complex codes in the activity to support it, same goes for file download, file share, opening external application on clicking a link etc.

One common such error is the "Unknown URL Scheme". This error can be fixed by adding additional handler codes to the activity where a WebView is set up.

The unknown URL Scheme may be shown when you try to make a UPI Payment through a WebView app, and it is very important to fix this. Because what is the meaning of building an Android app for your website if it doesn't support a payment system such as UPI? The app will be totally useless.

So how to make the android WebView Support UPI Payment?

Over the years, I have been developing WebView based android applications to my customers from all over the world. Most of those sites needed complex features such as payment Support, file upload etc. so to help myself with the development, I built an advanced WebView template that supports all those functions including UPI Payment Support, file upload etc.

So you can use that template source code to build your android WebView application very easily, this template Supports UPI Payment and this template doesn't need any coding, all you need is just import the template to Android Studio and set your website link, change colors, add a name for app etc.

This template Supports a wide range of advanced features including onesignal notification, swipe refresh, gradient themes etc. You can see all supported features and get the template by going to the template page here. Download Android Webview Source Code Template, The template's name I mentioned is "Advanced plus WebView"

I can build your android app for your website also

If you want an Android developer to build your WebView or native android app, I can do it with all your requirements. Using the advanced plus webview engine, the app will be a sophisticated one which can handle the functions of your website. For more details, contact


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