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What is Plagiarism and How can it Affect your Blog

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 8 AM

Plagiarism of work is not a new word in the content writing and blogging field. Time to time writers tries to aware copywriter yet here they are, always copying someone else work and published by their name.

The famous saying is imitation is the form of flattery, yet on social platforms, some writers take this compliment to next level.

Writers copied other writers published work and post on their social forum by simply doing Cntrl+C and Cntrl+V. They simply believe that why bother in writing original content when you can simply copy someone other content.

At this time when almost everyone on the internet copies from everyone else, the chances of plagiarism in the content increases. As a writer or blogger, you know the consequences of writing a plagiarized content and post on your blog.

Plagiarism-free content and blog are important for bloggers and content creators to increase the rank and growth of their page and blog post.

Marketers say that it’s much better to pause if you’re not able to write a blog rather than publishing plagiarized content.

That way maybe the blogger faces a decrease in the traffic on his blog post but posting a plagiarized content can cause de-ranking of his webpage or in some cases google ban the webpage or delete it.

Google is getting smarter with each passing day and using its latest algorithm, it can detect the plagiarized content in your blog. This article will explain how plagiarized content can de-rank your blogpost and 5 tips to avoid the plagiarized content.

Before going towards the main topic, a writer must know about what is plagiarism and what are the causes of plagiarism.

What is plagiarism

It can be defined as copying other writers’ posts, writing content, articles, already published research papers, or blogs then publish by using their name without giving the credit to the original creator in the first place. It is regarded as stealing. As the user stealing someone else work without authorization and presenting on the internet without giving him the credits.

Can google detect plagiarism?

Yes. Google can detect plagiarism by performing deep research on the blog. As technology advances, there are many plagiarisms checker-free software that can not only detect the plagiarized content but also highlight it and tell the source from where the plagiarized content is taken.

This software makes a report and submits it to google with complete sources from where the blog has been taken. Then Google will de-rank the webpage. As a result, bloggers not only lose their webpage but also face humiliation from their audience and break their trust.

What causes plagiarism?

There are several blogs written on the same niche as yours, so when you write a blog and post on your blogpost google then perform a quick check and notify you with the plagiarized content as it receives a plagiarized content report from the plagiarism checker free online software which are specially developed for this purposes.

Although this is a coincidence, it will still show as plagiarized content.

This is one out of 10 cases where the rest of the posts are intentionally plagiarized. The writer simply copy-pastes the published blog and performs a re-writer or rephrases the content.

These AI tools rewrite the blog and present it as new content. It does without making any error and sometimes even deceives the google algorithm if it’s done smartly but in most cases with the help of advanced software webpages like Prepostseo and copycat they can detect the paraphrase plagiarized content.

How to Detect Plagiarism With an Online Plagiarism Checker

Following are the types of plagiarism along with the reason why these are caused?

Direct Plagiarism

It is well known and the worst kind of plagiarism. Writer copy paste word-to-word from the original post and post on his webpage. It is considered when there is no citation to the source and quotations are not specified perfectly.


Self-plagiarism is using your writing or blog which was submitted previously and create a new blog from it for a new audience. Self-plagiarism is not considered the original work but users can use it by giving the citation of previous work.

Partial plagiarism

Partial plagiarism is taking a specific part or paragraph of someone else

Effects of writing a plagiarized blog

If you’re writing a plagiarized blog which is a copy from other sites, then your blog page will face the following effects

  • Google won’t rank plagiarized content
  • The quality of the content affects
  • De-ranking of your blog
  • Low traffic or no traffic at all

How plagiarism can de-rank your blog post?

Blogging is all about the creation of original content on your selected niche on daily basis for your audience. Sometimes, the blogger faces difficulty writing a blog on a selected topic of his choice to when he performs a search on the topic, Google shows a list of blogs that are already written on that specific topic.

So, when the writer instead of creating an original post, what if he copies from multiple posts and then performs a rewrite on these posts and submits the final result on his webpage.

Google immediately performs a check on your new post either this post is plagiarism-free or not? If google search engines find out that it’s a plagiarized post, in this case, Google will pause the traffic and de-rank his webpage or even ban the owner from posting new content.

Google has different algorithms like Hummingbird, Panda, etc. These algorithms decide the ranking order for a website. So, if your blog is ambiguous, then the following algorithms will not rank your blog in higher ranking orders.

When a blogger writes a plagiarized blog and posts on a google webpage, google doesn’t rank your blog on top but on the pages that have no traffic or near to zero traffic.

5 tips to avoid plagiarism

Use your idea

The best and effective way to write unique blog content is to consider writing your idea and original thoughts on the topic. Simply just put some time in the research and when you’re done with the research part, just start writing the content. The research will give you the extra information you need to write the blog.

Paraphrase the content

Paraphrasing is writing the core idea of the author in your own words without trying to change the theme of the blog. If you have read the article and have developed an understanding of his blog idea, then it will be easy for you to write in your own words.

Many AI software apps can perform rewriting on the blog but to be more accurate, the writer needs to read the rewrite blog and then finalize the changes before submitting it.

Give citation

Citation is giving the credit to the author in your post references or you can quote it word by word without changing the format. By giving citations, one can avoid plagiarism content.

Using plagiarism checker

After rephrasing the blog, you can use the help of plagiarism-checking software to find the plagiarized content in your work. This software tells about the source files and highlights the plagiarized content. You can later edit the plagiarized line.

Keep the track of the source

During the research, keep the track of the sources from which you are going to use the material as a reference later. The purpose of doing this is to keep with the theme of the post as you don’t mix with other topics and another reason is to avoid plagiarism from the blog by providing the reference of these source files.


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